Jerusalem's view by Nili Kashani
About the Artist:
Nili Kashani, born 1948, lives in Ramat Gan, immigrated to Israel in 1964. The background art follows a need to vent strong feelings that occurred after a serious illness. In 1997 began the study of painting from the artist Sarah Nisim, where she was periodically used as a substitute teacher. Her subjects were formulated following the terrorist incidents in the world, the World Trade center disaster, and refugees from Afghanistan. These events brought her back to her childhood grandparent’s home, carpet weaving heritage, and figures of people. Over time is heavily influenced by artists such as Picasso, Cezanne and Matisse. In 2004, she studied art at the Alharizi Artists House in Tel Aviv in Mr. Reuben Tishrei class, and in 2005-2012 at the Artists House, Tel Aviv Museum. She took Academic study of sculpture and painting with the sculptor and painter Mr. Zvi Lachman. She is a Member of the Painters and Sculptors in Ramat Gan Union, Active management of the union, and organizing exhibitions. Guides children and adults in Tel Hashomer, Ramat Gan in the Central Library, and the marine youth village at Mevo’ot Yam, where her works are displayed, as well as the gallery at Or Yehuda.