Half Naked Woman by Boris Vinokurov
About the Artist:
Boris Vinokurov born in 1948 in Ukraine, holds a master's degree in the art from the Lvov interdisciplinary academy of art. Between 1973-1991 he achieved international recognition for its groundbre- aking work as the head illustrator of one of Ukraine's leading newspapers, "Donbass". He in addition has had his work display- ed extensively throughout Europe and the countries of the former Soviet Union. Mr. Vinokurov has also provided illustration for numerous books and art instruction for people of all ages
Upon his immigration to Isrsel in 1991, Mr. Vinokurov was accepted to the prestigious Bazalal Academy of Fine Arts and joined the Israel Miniature Art Society. Today Mr. Vinokurov is considerate one of Israel's leading artists. His work can de seen at Israel's art galleries and places of culture. Art connoisseurs, furthermore, from around the world have made his a work a staple of private collections.