Mammoth Ivory- Snuff Bottle Gold Fish
Snuff bottle Gold Fish Master carving Ivory All from a private snuff bottle collector,
Tobacco was originally smoked in pipes.
The use of snuff and snuff bottles spread through the upper class.
By the end of the 17th century it had become a part of social mark and an integral part of events with high class people.
After a short time, Snuff bottles became an accessory of beauty and represented social status.
The upper class went to whoever had the rarest, most special and finest snuff bottle.
This exquisite bottle is shaped as a shell.
The artist pays attention to all the small details and it looks like the gold fish is swimming across the bottle,
and plays with a flower that bound over its tail.
This bottle is signed by the artist!
* Mammoth ivory Legal to ship worldwide with CITES
* We don't deal with illegal elephant ivory
SKU: IV143